Watch Moontrap Target Earth now on your favorite device! Enjoy a rich lineup of TV shows and movies included with your Prime I suspect the producer or director was legally obligated to deliver a film but the studio was uninterested in this topic so this. Moontrap sequel 'Moontrap Target Earth' gets a release date & clips!

A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth. Investigations carried out by Scout transport her to the moon whereupon she meets the impressive. A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth.

Moontrap: Target Earth

Investigations carried out by Scout transport her to the moon whereupon she meets the impressive machines preserving the wisdom of that long lost civilization. A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth. A young woman studying the ship suddenly finds herself transported to the moon to confront machines that guard secrets. Starring: Sarah Butler, Damon Dayoub, Charles Shaughnessy and others. Dugo zaboravljena drevna svemirska letilica otkrivena je na zemlji. Istraga koju obavlja Scout transportuje je na mesec gde upoznaje čudesne robote i mašine davno zaboravljene civilizacije.

Trailer Moontrap: Target Earth

Starring: Cara AnnMarie, Charles Shaughnessy, Chris Newman and others. A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth. Investigations carried out by Scout transport her to the moon whereupon she meets the impressive.

O navă spațială veche uitată descoperită pe Pământ. Investigațiile efectuate de Scout o transportă pe lună, după care întâlnește mașinile impresionante care păstrează înțelepciunea acelei civilizații pierdute de mult timp. Una antigua nave espacial olvidada descubierta en la Tierra. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Scout la transportan a la Luna con lo cual encuentra las máquinas impresionantes que preservan la.


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Moontrap: Target Earth


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Moontrap: Target Earth